• Green tea may promote a small, non-significant weight loss in overweight and obese in adults, however, since weight loss in the studies was so minimal, it is unlikely that green tea is clinically important for weight loss.

    Purified, standardized extract of Green Tea (Camelia Sinensis) is the richest source of water-soluble, polyphenolic antioxidant tannoid principles known as tea catechins. The bio-active components in Green Tea have been shown to help optimize overall health and wellness supporting the vital organs and organ systems when they are stressed up biochemically. Cellular stress may cause chronic degenerative disease conditions like Diabetes, cardio-vascular Diseases, cancers etc. Staying healthy and long with Green Tea Extract Capsules that contain natural Green Tea Extract provides antioxidant support and health-enhancing properties.

  • Grapelina capsules are a popular dietary supplement that has been shown to have a wide variety of beneficial actions. One of the key active components of red wine, proanthocyanidins are bioavailable in plasma and have potent antioxidant activity. Their free radical scavenging properties are greater than popular antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Grape seed extract shows a superior ability to protect cells against lipid peroxidation and DNA fragmentation.

  • “POMLINA” Capsules contain the natural extracts of Pomegranate, which is enriched with ellagic tannis. This product is made from whole pomegranate fruits. Pomegranate provides an excellent source of antioxidants and phytonutrients which neutralize destructive free radicals in the body.

    Pomegranate components (Luteolin, Punicalagins and Ellagic acid) present in “POMLINA” capsules regulate the expression of genes involved in prostate cancer and its potential role in controlling the pathways associated with prostate cancer metastasis and tumorigenesis. Pomegranate is a well-known fruit used traditionally for blood purification and in natural food for the general health of all ages.

  • Zerol Capsules, the standardized and reconstituted extract of Amla fruit offers the unique properties of Amla in the dosage form. Zerol Capsules is equivalent to 15 to 20 gms of raw Amla in terms of active ingredients. The active ingredient of Zerol can increase the inherent antioxidant.

    Zerol capsules are an excellent natural cholesterol management solution, containing Amla Natural Extract. Reconstituted, Purified Indian Gooseberry extract. Zerol has a very high content of hydrolyzable Gallo ellagic tannins (the essence of Indian Gooseberry health factor), which enhance cardiovascular health and provide general well being. Amla is used in many hair tonics because it enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens the roots of the hair, maintains color, and improves luster. Eating fresh gooseberry or applying its paste on hair roots improves hair growth and color.

  • Zerolmin Capsule is the combination of the three widely approved and extensively recommended traditional dietary supplements Turmeric, Amla and Gymnema. Curcuminoids, the active ingredients of Turmeric and Emblicanins, the active ingredients of Amla, are isolated and standardized, given in dosage for increased efficiency, assured safety, and enhanced user compliance.

  • Spirulina grows in both fresh and saltwater. It is a type of bacterium called cyanobacterium, which is often referred to as blue-green algae.

    Dietlina is a spirulina powder as capsules which is rich in proteins, vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals, essential fatty acids like γ-linolenic acid (GLA), most essential Omega 3 & 6 Fats, all the essential amino acids (70% Protein by weight) and a rich source of antioxidants. Spirulina can fight cancer and slow HIV progression. Dietlina is an excellent supplement for those looking to improve their eyesight. These blue-green algae are very rich in vitamin A which is important for healthy eyes. Spirulina has vitamin A ten times more than the concentration present in a gram of carrots.

  • St John's-wort (Hypericumperforatum) : Some studies have supported the efficacy of St John's wort as a treatment for depression in humans, it is as effective as standard antidepressant pharmaceuticals for treating depression.

  • Unroasted Green coffee (Coffea arabica) bean contain chlorogenic acids having antioxidant effects that helps in lowering blood pressure, and body weight. Green Coffee can reduce body weight, proved by several clinical trials.

    The dried rind of Garcinia (Garcinia cambogia) which is known as Malabar tamarind is used as a food preservative, flavoring agent and carminative, and is now popularly used as an active ingredient of dietary supplements for weight loss in developed countries. Polyphenolic components present in Green tea (Camellia sinensis) is having antioxidant properties. The predominant active components are catechins, among which epigallocatechin- 3-gallate and epicatechin-3-gallate are the most effective antioxidant compounds. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) used as a spice as well as medicine in India and China. Native Americans are using wild ginger rhizome to regulate menstruation and heartbeat. Ginger is thought to act directly on the gastrointestinal system to reduce nausea. Also prevent nausea resulting from chemotherapy, motion sickness, and surgery.